Promises vs. Commitments

Aren’t they the same?

Not at all.

The definition of promise is “a declaration that something will or will not be done, given, by one; an express assurance on which expectation is to be based. A commitment, on the other hand, is “the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity; an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.

Stop making promises – turn them into a commitment. A promise is a stated intention to do something specific in the future. A commitment is a stated fact. A promise is an agreement to someone else’s choice, whereas a commitment is our choice.

I’ve made many promises in my life and failed to follow through. And that failure turns into negative thoughts and dramatically affects my self-esteem. I realized that I would follow through if I committed because it was my decision. It was something that I would put “skin in the game,” to coin an old phrase.

One of the most complex parts about promises is you make them with no intention of following through, but you know it is what the other person wants to hear. It would help if you learned when and how to say no – so that you have room in your life to say yes to a commitment that is important to you and is your choice to make.

Spend some time thinking about the promises you have made – to others and yourself – and write down how many you have followed through on. Do the same thing with commitments. Is that followed-through list longer?

Commit to what is important to you and drives your heart.

“Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer.” – Marica Wieder


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