Spreading Positive Leadership

May was an amazing month! I had the privilege to present at the International Institute of Municipal Clerks Conference in St. Paul, Minnesota. There were over 800 attendees from all over the United States, Canada and Europe.

I started the week off facilitating an Athenian Dialogue on the book “I’m Kind of a Big Deal” by Erin King. An Athenian Dialogue is an alternative style of leadership training were attendees read the selected book and then spend 6 hours doing a deep dive into the leadership qualities discovered in the book. We spent the day identifying our audacious selves - and did some laughing as well.

Tuesday and Wednesday I presented to several breakout sessions “How to Turn Whiners into Winners”. All sessions were jam-packed and knowing I got to share positive leadership with over 400 people was amazing.

The best part of being at the IIMC Conference for the week was meeting up with old friends and making new ones. It truly recharged my soul.


A Light Went Out


Being Graceful...Or not!