Serving Others - It’s an Honor
As we head back to work after a long holiday weekend, I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on service.
I had the privilege to drive the Grand Marshal in our 4th of July parade. Some may think why is that a big deal, others that time felt with family on a holiday is more important and others may not even give it a thought. You may be wondering who the Grand Marshal was - a local celebrity, an elected official, a philanthropist? Nope. None of the above. The 2022 Grand Marshal was an adorable, energetic 5 year old named Grayson. The honor of being Grand Marshal was not because Grayson did something amazing, but rather because he gave the biggest sacrifice a little boy could. He gave up his father. His dad was a Milwaukee Police Officer killed in the line of duty. He was 33 years old and an 8 year veteran of the Department.
As Grayson crawled into my car to start the parade, he was so excited. He had never been in a parade before and he got to throw out candy to all the kids along the route. He would even announce that he threw it so the kids wouldn’t miss out on a treat. And trust me, Grayson checked out ALL the candy before he threw it, letting me know which were his favorites. As we drove the parade route, all I could think of was this little boy having to grow up without a father. About not knowing really who his dad was. But mostly about a man who sacrificed all to protect and serve.
What seemed like a menial task of driving someone in a parade turned out to be truly an honor. I can only hope that Grayson will grow up knowing his dad was a selfless man, who loved his son more than life itself and gave HIS life to protect others.
At the end of the parade, with tears in my eyes, I got the biggest hug from Grayson thanking me for letting him ride in the coolest car in the parade. And all I could think of was what an honor it was to serve Grayson and his mom.
To protect and serve and to give of yourself unconditionally, never knowing if the shift you start will be your last. Thank you to all the men and women who wear the uniform of Police Officer. And thank you to their families who give up so much so they can perform their duty.