Course Description

Pricing based on attendance


It takes a lot of work to create a world-class organization. It’s hard to develop a successful team. It’s not easy to build a great culture. It’s challenging to work toward a vision and create a positive future. As a leader, you will face all kinds of challenges, adversity, negativity, and tests. There will be moments you’ll want to give up. There will be days when your vision seems more like a fantasy than a reality. That’s why positive leadership is so important.

Throughout history, we see that it’s the optimists, the believers, the dreamers, the doers, and the positive leaders who change the world.

Optimistic people:

• Work harder

• Get paid more

• Are elected to office more often

• Win at sports more regularly

• Outperform negative sales counterparts

People who experience more positive emotions vs. negative ones:

• See the big picture

• Build relationships

• Thrive in their work and career

And when you take it one step further, consider this:

The more you energize people in your workplace, the higher YOUR work performance”. Wow!

Instead of being “me” focused to improve performance, you can be “we” focused and create a bigger win.

Key Points:

  • Participants will complete an Action Plan to help move forward into Positive Leadership