We all need to rock G-T-B….but what the heck is that??
Being (G)rateful, (T)hankful, (B)lessed is a core requirement of being a good, positive leader. Often times we don’t stop and reflect on all we have because we are too busy reflecting on the negative things that are going on in our lives. Taking a couple minutes to focus on what you are grateful, thankful and blessed for will reframe the conversation you are having in your head.
Last year for my birthday, my sisters gave me the most beautiful bracelet – it was a Blessings Bracelet. I was excited about it on so many different levels. First and foremost was getting a gift from two women I admire and look up to. And second, it was a gift that connects solidly with my positive leadership messages (so they must be listening when I ramble on and on about it).
I was so excited about my gift, and it truly got me thinking about the blessings in my life. Faith, family, friends are just the start of my blessings. Wearing the bracelet was a constant reminder to stop and remember all the things in life that I feel blessed for. And then I thought, well if I am this excited about it, wouldn’t others who listen to my positive leadership presentations be excited about having a reminder about their blessings? And the G-T-B bracelet was born.
I knew what I wanted the bracelet to look like, but I had no idea how to make one. Enter my friend Vikki who volunteered to teach my how to take my idea and make it a reality. There are three beads on the bracelet and the purpose is to take time each and every day to stop and reflect on all the things in life that you are grateful, thankful and blessed for. They don’t have to be profound, life altering things – but the things that make us smile, that add value to our lives, that drive us to continue our journey of being a more positive, engaging person. The fun part for me is getting to sit quietly and make them and to gift several of them during one of my presentations.
Take some time each and every day to be G-T-B. And notice how you feel after you do that. Positivity will definitely uplift your mood and will change how you interact with others.