The “Braintrust”

In January, I had the honor and privilege to get together with an amazing group of people to “float” the idea of forming a new business venture. The meeting was scheduled for 3 days and dang, I had to fly to California during a cold snap in Wisconsin. I knew Rex Osborn from working with him as a speaker with IIMC as well as the Wisconsin Municipal Clerk’s Association. Rex gathered a group together that he felt would fill a niche in the speaking circuit. I was honored that he included me along with 3 others - which I now affectionately call “The Braintrust.” Each of us brings different life experiences to the table, yet we all have a common goal and vision. Spencer a/k/a “Americas Hometown Mayor”, Chris who is completing his Doctorate, Craig an Air Force retiree, Rex (who words just can’t describe) and myself are all on a mission to bring the best possible training to organizations. Together we bring a wealth of practical insights, leadership acumen and a deep understanding of the intricate dynamics that drive successful organizations. None of us knew each other prior to meeting - we all just had the common denominator of knowing Rex. It is a rare instance when I am speechless and in awe, but meeting this group (along with our amazing curator Michelle) was a bit intimidating! By the end of our first day of meetings, I truly felt I had cemented relationships and felt safe enough to share some of my experiences in the collaboration world that didn’t turn out well. Not only am I still AnneU Speaks, but I am now a Partner/Speaker with Speakers Plus.

Speakers Plus has already organized a one day summit/conference in June targeting local officials in a 6 county area in Illinois. All 5 of us are excited, fired up, and more importantly committed to giving our clients the best, tailored training they could ask for while not breaking the bank.

I hope you hop over to and check us out.

2024 is going to ROCK!!


A Light Went Out