Feed the Positive Dog
I happen to love dogs – and I have two of them. Jett is a rescue and Winnie is a purebred Pomeranian. Jett looks like she is evil – she is black/white with intense eyes. Winnie is brown, fluffy and looks like a sweet little teddy bear. Looks can be deceiving! Jett is sweet, well behaved and afraid of her own shadow. Her bark makes her sound fierce, and at 45 pounds she can be intimating from far away. Winnie on the other hand, is 8 pounds of attitude and just a little stinker (I would use a different adjective, but it would be inappropriate!).
And you may ask, what does having two dogs have to do with being positive? Well, let me tell you. We each have two dogs in us – a Positive Dog and a Negative Dog. Both need to be fed and nurtured. We wake up each day and get to choose which one we are going to feed. Feeding the Negative Dog keeps you focused on the negative in every action you and others take. It impacts your productivity and your bottom line. Feeding the Positive Dog changes your outlook – you see the potential and positive in everything around you. And it’s not Pollyanna positive either. It’s the attitude you have when you face a problem or issue.
Jon Gordon put it best. “Being positive won’t guarantee you’ll succeed, but being negative will guarantee you won’t.” So choose to feed the Positive Dog and focus on staying positive throughout the day.